Whether you have listed your home for a long and failed to get the desired calls, or you are thinking of listing your home, these decor tips will help you sell your home.
First impression matters when it comes to selling a product, and the same holds true for selling a home/property. A few seconds are enough for buyers to make a judgement about a home. That’s why creating a lasting impression on the buyers is crucial. And you don’t need to break the bank to decorate your home for sale. We have given some tricks that can help you attract potential buyers, so let us start.
1. Declutter your space
The first step in attracting buyers is to declutter your space- Throw away things you do not need and keep things you need. However, it’s not easy to declutter with children who are too attached to their toys. But you can employ creative ways to tackle children’s attachment to things, such as moving your little girl’s Barbie collection into a closet that the buyers are less likely to see. You can also motivate them to donate their toys to less privileged children. This will also help you teach them about kindness, sharing, and compassion.
2. Focus on your exterior
Buyers carefully notice the outsides/exterior of the homes, so create a clean entrance. If your front door is looking tired or your handle gets rusty, consider painting the door and replacing the handle. Also, keep the porch or verandah neat and clean to enhance the outside look of your home. You can also consider adding some plants at the entrance of the home. Moreover, if you have outdoor grass, maintain it by mowing regularly.
3. Think about painting the home
Another home-selling tip is giving your home a fresh wall of paint, but the best is to go for neutral colours. Though the buyer’s taste can vary, wild colours can repel the majority of buyers. Also, keep in mind that rooms that do not get enough sunlight will benefit from neutral colours. Pale yellow or beige colours will help you create the illusion that the room has more light. A space feels smaller with dark colours; Dark blue, navy green and other dark colours make it challenging for the buyers to envision themselves and their belongings in the space. So, go with the neutral colours whether you have a residential property in Mohali or any other area.
4. Remodel rationally
Sprucing up the kitchen and bathroom can increase the value of a property, but one has to consider several things, such as material quality, layout, etc. There is no rule that one has to make major changes; Small updates, such as changes in the drawers and cabinets, can do the magic. Big investment does not guarantee good returns, and many people who buy the home rip the stylish and expensive accessories to create their own personalised space.
5. Don’t overdecorate
Buyers can’t imagine the house decorated in their own style if you decorate too much. Though the decoration can reflect the character of the house, refrain from showing things that tell about your tastes and choices. If you are thinking of selling your house in six months or a year, consider hiring a decorator to make the home visually appealing to the buyers. Some tried and tested ways that decorators use are moving objects from one place to another to make the space look more spacious or open.
6. Accessorize when nothing comes into your mind
Think about adding fresh flowers and turning on lights when showing your home to buyers. Experts recommend cleaning the home, especially the bathroom and kitchen, from a professional. They also advise sellers to invest in throw pillows, new bedsheets for the bedroom and lamps to receive good offers.
7. Don’t forget the windows
Natural lights make a space look more appealing, so consider removing heavy curtains from the window. Pick neutral colours curtains to make the room look brighter. However, if your room lacks natural lights, use other ways to brighten the room, such as installing lighting in layers, placing mirrors near the light source and much more.
Apart from this, there are some other tips to sell your home/property at best prices in this competitive real estate market.
The key takeaways
Whether you are thinking of selling your home or already listed it, both small and big changes that you make will have a deep-rooted impression on the buyer. Though there is no guaranteed formula for getting your desired deal, the above tips will increase the chances of attracting a potential buyer.